puasa arrive again this year. alhamdulillah as i'm still here to puasa. as for me, puasa mean raya, puasa mean eat, puasa mean i can go to terawih and eat 'more' somemore, puasa mean i can go to pasar ramadhan, puasa mean i can eat my mom very the delicious food everyday, puasa mean i can have my sleep during the day without any kacau bilau, puasa mean boleh main mercun(dulu la, today quit hard to find mercun in pasar ramadhan anymore), puasa mean i can makan sahur (eat somemore!), and etc. there so many lah! i love ramadhan, i love puasa.
this year, puasa started on 15 oct 2004 which is friday. that is so good. isn't it? stay up until sahur. at first, konon nak check report and print it. but, it end up with playing computer games. damn! oppss! i mean fifa2005 was so good that i can't stop playing. but sadly, i have to stop at about 4.00 am cause i had to buy my makan sahur. jika tak stop, i'll strave la. first day, have to find good spot for sahur. found it.
yea! it's 5.15 pm, i could go for my 1st pasar ramadhan visit this year. i thought we were already early, but everybody are earlier than us. traffic jam on the first day of puasa. sampai jer dekat param (pasar ramadhan), traffic jam again. but this time while nak membeli. and it end up, all the makanan finished before i could buy it. akhirnya, aku makan satu bungkus koey teow goreng with secebis ayam percik. not so good for first visit to param. and beacause of the traffic, we manage to berbuka in the car. so, that is the story utk first day of puasa.
yup, after terawih. also decided to stay up utk printing marathon. and i manage to kawal nafsu daripada play my fifa2005. my printing marathon start at 00.00am, saturday. and this time, aku manage to pinjam printer orang yang lebih canggih manggih. thanks bro dol. sian aku tengok my vintage printer. stop at about 4.00am for sahur. continue my printing marathon after sahur till subuh. after subuh, zzZZZZZZZ. wake up at about 11am, continue printing. huh! oo my god, ink habis pulak dah! mandi and pergi beli ink. continue the printing marathon. one copy, kena pinjam printer orang lain pulak. thanks bro achai.
it's 5.15pm. masa utk param. today, traffic is much better. but today, manyak bertembung ngan awek2 yang berkereta. huh! that's what we call cabaran2 ketika berpuasa. huh! so, today kena cepat grab apa2 yang ingin dilahap. nasi ayam + murtabak + air soya, oklah menu for today. mission complete!
mmm, dah masuk 3rd day. that mean i only have 27 days before aku dapat RAYA! yea! hehehe. so, after terawih. nak stay up juga utk buat keje yang penyelia aku suruh buat. mmm, when it come to study or buat kerja, mata pun mula la feel so sleepy. manage to study for few hours and then decided to have a nap before 4 o'clock. zzzZZZZZ. huh! it's 4 o'clock. jump from bed, basuh face and ran to buy sahur. burp! oppss! alhamdulillah. tak sempat solat subuh dah terlentang atas katil. zzzzzZZZZZZZ. bangun at about 11pm. on pc and continue with the job. huh! bengang pulak aku. what is the problem dengan menda ni. hehehehe, bila dah bengang, can la play fifa2005. waste up about an hour for fifa2005. after fifa, apa salahnya have a nap kejap. tension pun tak hilang lagi. zZZzZZZZ.
it's 5.30pm. time for param. ~param... pam.. pam.. pammm~ mmm, wierd. so lengang la ini hari. have nasi briyani + ayam percik + apam balik. yahooo! 6.54pm, bismillah and yum .. yum ...
that is cerita utk the first 3 days of ramadhan. hari ini dah hari keempat. it means, there is 26 days left before RAYA! oklah, mintak diri dulu. wassalam and have a nice day of puasa! great isn't it?
+credit to fairy mahdzan utk pic2 kat atas.

this year, puasa started on 15 oct 2004 which is friday. that is so good. isn't it? stay up until sahur. at first, konon nak check report and print it. but, it end up with playing computer games. damn! oppss! i mean fifa2005 was so good that i can't stop playing. but sadly, i have to stop at about 4.00 am cause i had to buy my makan sahur. jika tak stop, i'll strave la. first day, have to find good spot for sahur. found it.
yea! it's 5.15 pm, i could go for my 1st pasar ramadhan visit this year. i thought we were already early, but everybody are earlier than us. traffic jam on the first day of puasa. sampai jer dekat param (pasar ramadhan), traffic jam again. but this time while nak membeli. and it end up, all the makanan finished before i could buy it. akhirnya, aku makan satu bungkus koey teow goreng with secebis ayam percik. not so good for first visit to param. and beacause of the traffic, we manage to berbuka in the car. so, that is the story utk first day of puasa.
yup, after terawih. also decided to stay up utk printing marathon. and i manage to kawal nafsu daripada play my fifa2005. my printing marathon start at 00.00am, saturday. and this time, aku manage to pinjam printer orang yang lebih canggih manggih. thanks bro dol. sian aku tengok my vintage printer. stop at about 4.00am for sahur. continue my printing marathon after sahur till subuh. after subuh, zzZZZZZZZ. wake up at about 11am, continue printing. huh! oo my god, ink habis pulak dah! mandi and pergi beli ink. continue the printing marathon. one copy, kena pinjam printer orang lain pulak. thanks bro achai.
it's 5.15pm. masa utk param. today, traffic is much better. but today, manyak bertembung ngan awek2 yang berkereta. huh! that's what we call cabaran2 ketika berpuasa. huh! so, today kena cepat grab apa2 yang ingin dilahap. nasi ayam + murtabak + air soya, oklah menu for today. mission complete!

mmm, dah masuk 3rd day. that mean i only have 27 days before aku dapat RAYA! yea! hehehe. so, after terawih. nak stay up juga utk buat keje yang penyelia aku suruh buat. mmm, when it come to study or buat kerja, mata pun mula la feel so sleepy. manage to study for few hours and then decided to have a nap before 4 o'clock. zzzZZZZZ. huh! it's 4 o'clock. jump from bed, basuh face and ran to buy sahur. burp! oppss! alhamdulillah. tak sempat solat subuh dah terlentang atas katil. zzzzzZZZZZZZ. bangun at about 11pm. on pc and continue with the job. huh! bengang pulak aku. what is the problem dengan menda ni. hehehehe, bila dah bengang, can la play fifa2005. waste up about an hour for fifa2005. after fifa, apa salahnya have a nap kejap. tension pun tak hilang lagi. zZZzZZZZ.
it's 5.30pm. time for param. ~param... pam.. pam.. pammm~ mmm, wierd. so lengang la ini hari. have nasi briyani + ayam percik + apam balik. yahooo! 6.54pm, bismillah and yum .. yum ...
that is cerita utk the first 3 days of ramadhan. hari ini dah hari keempat. it means, there is 26 days left before RAYA! oklah, mintak diri dulu. wassalam and have a nice day of puasa! great isn't it?
+credit to fairy mahdzan utk pic2 kat atas.
beli aaa ... aku tak nampak muka ko pun ... hish! membazir jer ...
oh ko pakai printer achai ke.. printer dia mmg laju wooo, mencanak2 kelajuannya :D
huh! mmg! aku selesai kerja memprint dengan hati yang gembira ... best aaa printer achai! ... best aaa!
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