Age equal history?

age, time made age, a milestone for people like me. on every milestone, usually people love to archive what they wanted. some succeed and some failed. but, what about people who doesn't have anything to archive at their milestone, which one should i categorized them. huh! i think i'm is one of them that fall into the uncategorized group. why? i don't know, i just fell that way. pity me!

for all i can say, aku berjaya buat apa yg aku suka tapi aku mahukan cabaran baru. macam rancangan realiti popular 'dimanakah joe jambul!' that was one good program. aku dah jumpa apa yg aku minat, besides graphic design, i meet this new girl, named photography ... she's cute, sweet and full of surprises. hahahaha. but, we need more time utk mengenal hati budi masing2. being creative is tough, and to be tough is such a hard job. ntahla apa aku merepek ni. makan kerepek pisang makcik subang parade pun best!

batu tanda baru dah tersedia, tapi aku belum bersedia. taking risk and new opportunities are not my comfort zone. bukan zone hotlink, bukan wilayah celcom. aku tak suka, tapi kena lalu juga. ini bukan keluhan, tapi merancang. nanti la aku pikirkan mcm mana nak ukir batu tanda baru tu. sekian, terima kasih.
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