selak selasa

selak2 kalendar, hari ini dah 14/09/2004. apa yang special sangat? dah hampir tengah bulan september dah rupanya. it it just 2 week ahead jer lagi. mmm ... and today TheSims2 should be released. TheSims2 is the most waited game of this year. actually diorang nak released dalam bulan Mei 2004 but tunda ke bulan september. ok gak la, sebab ada masa untuk check bug and polish gameplay, engine AI dan grafik dia. aku tertungu2 nak rasa AI game ni. macam mana DNA yang diorang create. tak sabar2 rasanya. huhuhu.
and last night, my friend shocked me with a news that the presentation will be in 15/09. it is tomorrow. i never expect that! mmg la terkejut sebab tak really bersedia. and then, after 2 hours later, he said that it just a presentation for somekind of subject. huh! what a relief. bila pikir2 balik mmg tak masuk akal, tapi bila dah terkejut, apa boleh buat. huhuhu. oraitla, got to go. minta diri dulu. wassalam and have a suitable selasa.
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