kampung revisited
i went back to kg imam again last week. i went back on thursday. actually, every weekend i went back to kg imam. it just like a routine to my family and i. eventually my father had that routine and i just followed him. that petang, it rains. yeah! it's feels good and the journey takder la rasa panas. as usual, my father drove and i just sat back and enjoy the scenery. how wonderful that is. hehehe. at that moment i wouldn't want to miss again in capturing the scenery i told you before. man! it just too beautiful for me to enjoy that day. i had captured few pics so that you can also enjoy that scenery. my god! it's god creation. it's just nice!

the first pic is a pic of gunung jerai. because it rains earlier, so we can see fog ni front of it. in my practical day at perwaja, i can see that scenery everyday. how wonderful! 2nd and 3rd pic are taken while we were passing by bendang and kampung near alor star. and the last pic was taken upon us entering my kg imam.

above pics were taken semasa we passing by pekan gurun. at that time, pasar ramadhan dah mula dikunjungi people who want to buy food for berbuka. pekan gurun is a small town and known because of the industri berat yang ada di kawasan gurun. kilang2 besar yang ada in Gurun are Modenas, Perwaja, Naza and Loji Gas Petronas.
we reach kg imam almost 2 minutes before berbuka. after berbuka, go for solat terawih. lepas balik, melantak all the food yang banyak bawah tudung tu. lepas kenyang, i went to tidur. the next day, i went to pekan jitra in order to search my baju raya. and what a coincidence, i jumpa baju raya yang dicari2. it just fit nicely. so tunggu apa lagi, angkat terus la. it just cost rm70. how great is that. hehehe. that night after solat terawih, we went back home. goodbye kg imam, minggu depan saya datang lagi.
p/s: seminggu sebelum raya mmg orang sibuk dengan persiapan masing-masing. tapi jangan sampai membazir pula. hehehe. peringatan untuk diri sendiri juga.

the first pic is a pic of gunung jerai. because it rains earlier, so we can see fog ni front of it. in my practical day at perwaja, i can see that scenery everyday. how wonderful! 2nd and 3rd pic are taken while we were passing by bendang and kampung near alor star. and the last pic was taken upon us entering my kg imam.

above pics were taken semasa we passing by pekan gurun. at that time, pasar ramadhan dah mula dikunjungi people who want to buy food for berbuka. pekan gurun is a small town and known because of the industri berat yang ada di kawasan gurun. kilang2 besar yang ada in Gurun are Modenas, Perwaja, Naza and Loji Gas Petronas.
we reach kg imam almost 2 minutes before berbuka. after berbuka, go for solat terawih. lepas balik, melantak all the food yang banyak bawah tudung tu. lepas kenyang, i went to tidur. the next day, i went to pekan jitra in order to search my baju raya. and what a coincidence, i jumpa baju raya yang dicari2. it just fit nicely. so tunggu apa lagi, angkat terus la. it just cost rm70. how great is that. hehehe. that night after solat terawih, we went back home. goodbye kg imam, minggu depan saya datang lagi.
p/s: seminggu sebelum raya mmg orang sibuk dengan persiapan masing-masing. tapi jangan sampai membazir pula. hehehe. peringatan untuk diri sendiri juga.
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