
a month had pass by. dah masuk bulan baru, bulan september, bulan syaaban. bulan yg sibuk dah lepas, bulan yg sibuk dgn org kawen. alhamdulillah, everything goes pretty well. cuma skarang nak buat album and deliver to respective customers. thanks for inviting us to capture your great day.

i've been busy, and few of my passion had been left out. my vector, my personal photography stuff, my personal projects, my loves one (lama tak balik kg). jom balik kg bulan ramadhan nih! rindu sgt dkt the green sawah bendang, hutan hijau dan sungai2. dan juga masakan mak aku. iskh! rindu la pulak.

life still sama mcm dulu except kerja photo utk wedding. kerja tetap pun mcm tu juga, nothing change. cuma ada boss baru. i need to do something with my life, not changing it. just add some spark to it. make it more interesting. make it more wonderful, make it more colorful. mampukah aku?
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