interest came obses
peoples. they have it, they want it, they crazy about it. do you? are you one of them? slap your face, ask youself. obsession is the word. actually, this 'obsession' thing came out after i finished editing those pictures [see below la]. no! i'm not obses with moon or that sphere thing floating at the sky every night. i just seeing her with her friends (i means the stars). dulu2, masa i'm younger, when i'm just in primary school, i have keinginan to have my own telescope. of course to teropong moon and stars, not girl next door. back in Tapah (you know where this place?). never heard of Tapah road? Cameron Highland? so this the pekan your will meet before climbing up to tnh tinggi cameron. at that time, duduk double story house. so, it is easy to look at sky, through the window. i wish i had telescope back then. sebab sekarang duduk rumah teres, susah sket la nak teropong. maybe sheis the one who obses with langit malam. i don't know. ??? are you obses with moons, stars and galaxies? i'm not. it just an interest of mine dulu2.
everything i do is based on interest. that interest start off from my own curiosity. i can't remember when i started to draw. all i know, i loves to draw, it would be a perfect day if i get to spend my time on drawings. but it not an obsession, right? all i can remember, i love to draw tanks, bukan tangki minyak, ni kereta kebal la. my father gave me buku petak2 petak to do math, but instead, i draw tank in it. maybe thats why aku lemah at math. hehehe! sorry dad! that the story in primary school, tahap satu punya.
bila besar sket, tahap dua, we move out. new school, new atmosphere. i'm not the person who can easily adapt to new environment. so, i met my new interest, through imagination. i build anything that i imagine. i play with ruler, hammer, nails, wood, saw. maybe jugak banyak terpengaruh dgn cerita orgputih, mcguyver maybe. huhuhu. lepaih tu, my school buka computer's club. that is a good news for me, i joined it with my cousins. hey, i don't have many friends back then, i'm the quite one. my friends from UTM would not surprise of this, if they read this. being in the computer club bring new interest in me. but i'm not obses with it! trust me! in addition, cikgu computer pulak, cun melecun! hahaha! at the end of year 6, masa tunggu keputusan UPSR, i start to love reading. banyak jugak spend duit bli buku, tapi yang bayarnya bukan aku. before this, aku mmg kureng minat baca buku. that's why my parent willing to spend on this. Furthermore, Hasani Book Store selalu buat pesta buku. at the same time, after UPSR result keluar, i got my first TV games, yang guna cadtrige tu, sekarang rega dah rm20 pun boleh bli, dulu mahal tu. SEGA adalah jenama paling popular. Mario Brothers is a must. but i not obses with it, i guess.

enter secondary school, i continue my interest. maybe bab buku tu kureng sket la. maybe interest in music and sport dah lebih. takder new interest found. banyak tertumpu dekat sekolah, kerja sekolah, ko-Q, kerja sekolah, kelas petang, bla... bla... bla... end of form2, i started to draw again, kali ni portrait pulak. masa tu aku draw faces of whom i liked. lepaih form3, got a computer, WOW! thanks to my parent! i work hard for that, it's PMR result. tapi at that time, interest lebih kepada computer games. ilmu komputer tu dah ada cause masuk computer club dekat sekolah. potrait drawing left behind, move to comic, manga mostly, ni pengaruh kawan la ni. at that time, komik hong kong pun dah popular (dewataraya if tak silap), but i like manga the most, cause they are more cute. hehehehe! around form5, kalau tak silap, mula berjinak2 ngan internet, at that times, cyber cafe would be the happy place. got and internet connection at home, thanks to my sister! yea! masa tu giler jelajah WWW. and benda yang paling popular adalah Micq (betul ker ni, dah lama tak main), alaaaa, ruangan chat tu. lepaih tu, stop, concentrate on SPM. takder connection to WWW, spend time on music, petik2 gitar kapok. hilang tensen belajar. again, it just an interest of mine bukan obses. betul kan?
today, still love drawing, if i have time to, tapi tangan dah keras dah. too many time spend with my computer. all that is not my obsession, i just love to spend at it. it's and interesting interest. ain't it? what about you?
p/s: WOW! this a long entry huh! sound like buku sejarah dah! huh!
song for past few days: Too Phat-If I die Tonight

everything i do is based on interest. that interest start off from my own curiosity. i can't remember when i started to draw. all i know, i loves to draw, it would be a perfect day if i get to spend my time on drawings. but it not an obsession, right? all i can remember, i love to draw tanks, bukan tangki minyak, ni kereta kebal la. my father gave me buku petak2 petak to do math, but instead, i draw tank in it. maybe thats why aku lemah at math. hehehe! sorry dad! that the story in primary school, tahap satu punya.
bila besar sket, tahap dua, we move out. new school, new atmosphere. i'm not the person who can easily adapt to new environment. so, i met my new interest, through imagination. i build anything that i imagine. i play with ruler, hammer, nails, wood, saw. maybe jugak banyak terpengaruh dgn cerita orgputih, mcguyver maybe. huhuhu. lepaih tu, my school buka computer's club. that is a good news for me, i joined it with my cousins. hey, i don't have many friends back then, i'm the quite one. my friends from UTM would not surprise of this, if they read this. being in the computer club bring new interest in me. but i'm not obses with it! trust me! in addition, cikgu computer pulak, cun melecun! hahaha! at the end of year 6, masa tunggu keputusan UPSR, i start to love reading. banyak jugak spend duit bli buku, tapi yang bayarnya bukan aku. before this, aku mmg kureng minat baca buku. that's why my parent willing to spend on this. Furthermore, Hasani Book Store selalu buat pesta buku. at the same time, after UPSR result keluar, i got my first TV games, yang guna cadtrige tu, sekarang rega dah rm20 pun boleh bli, dulu mahal tu. SEGA adalah jenama paling popular. Mario Brothers is a must. but i not obses with it, i guess.

enter secondary school, i continue my interest. maybe bab buku tu kureng sket la. maybe interest in music and sport dah lebih. takder new interest found. banyak tertumpu dekat sekolah, kerja sekolah, ko-Q, kerja sekolah, kelas petang, bla... bla... bla... end of form2, i started to draw again, kali ni portrait pulak. masa tu aku draw faces of whom i liked. lepaih form3, got a computer, WOW! thanks to my parent! i work hard for that, it's PMR result. tapi at that time, interest lebih kepada computer games. ilmu komputer tu dah ada cause masuk computer club dekat sekolah. potrait drawing left behind, move to comic, manga mostly, ni pengaruh kawan la ni. at that time, komik hong kong pun dah popular (dewataraya if tak silap), but i like manga the most, cause they are more cute. hehehehe! around form5, kalau tak silap, mula berjinak2 ngan internet, at that times, cyber cafe would be the happy place. got and internet connection at home, thanks to my sister! yea! masa tu giler jelajah WWW. and benda yang paling popular adalah Micq (betul ker ni, dah lama tak main), alaaaa, ruangan chat tu. lepaih tu, stop, concentrate on SPM. takder connection to WWW, spend time on music, petik2 gitar kapok. hilang tensen belajar. again, it just an interest of mine bukan obses. betul kan?
today, still love drawing, if i have time to, tapi tangan dah keras dah. too many time spend with my computer. all that is not my obsession, i just love to spend at it. it's and interesting interest. ain't it? what about you?
p/s: WOW! this a long entry huh! sound like buku sejarah dah! huh!
song for past few days: Too Phat-If I die Tonight
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