
yesterday, the day before, the week before, the month before. i loopback time, i look back, i search and i try to remember. what an experience. fuh! the last wedding on friday night dah lepas dah. lepas ni, got to rest and enjoying ramadhan. and hopefully the first day of raya. can't wait to experience that one day. cause we have been booked on the 2nd day of raya. rezeki syawal agaknya. hehehe.

this weekend, i just enjoying myself with no web job. santai2 di rumah and go to gath budak2 utmp dkt midvalley on saturday. i just watch them bowl cause i'm too tired after last night job and having a back pain would not give a good day to bowl. hahaha, alasan. hari ahad pun routine yg sama, santai2 kat rumah and pegi merayau2 area KL.

and not to forget, i've cut my hair. very short. hahaha, it's feel weird lepas dah lama biasa dengan rambut panjang. senang sket nak maintain lepas nih, tak payah nak susah2 sikat rambut. hahaha.
p/s: apsal aku asik blog pasal past jer nih, what about the future? huh
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