
for the past few weeks, langit mmg best. petang semalam juga begitu. itu kuasa DIA. once in a while, it's great to see such great and beautiful sky. sungguh menenangkan dan menghappykan. hilang rasa beban di kepala. mabye that's the reason HE create that great skyscape. thanks, alhamdulillah. and because of it, i or anyone will be inspired of it. in photography, getting such light and great sky is a blessing. it's pretty sure the photos you take at that time will come out great. it never fail me. it really do. but, in the past few weeks, i don't know why i was so lazy to bring out my camera and snaps those lovely afternoon skies. cuma mampu memerhati. hahaha. pemalas sgt. but i did took early morning sunrise because i wouldn't want to disappoint myself. mcm an excuse la. for not taking the afternoon skies. hahaha. so, dkt bwh ni satu daripadanya.

takdela wow sgt gambaq tu. biasa2 saja. hehehe. ye ye ye, mlm ni would be the first night of terawih. solat terawih. when you reach ramadhan, aku slalu ada different mood, smell different air (bau lauk pauk kuih muih kot), ya ya semuanya rasa lain. but this year i don't fell it yet. aku pun rasa pelik lalu curiga mendatangi daku. kekeke. and i hope i'll feel it. harap2 jgn keras hati sudah la sepangjang ramadhan kali ni. ekekeke.
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