journey home
Monday, 25 October 2004, 11 Ramadhan 2004
after subuh, i get my butt to pack all of my things. at about 7 something, my father call that he will be here at about 10 minutes. and then, i rush la mengemas. angkat my belongings ke bawah. i wish i could stay in bed right now. huh! ~sigh~ go up and down with the lift, thank god this lift works. otherwise, i'll be climbing the stairs up to 5th floor. few minutes then, my father arrive. we angkat masuk kereta. after that, i rush up stairs and sapu sampah sarap in my room. at least i left the room in keadaan yang bersih. lepas tu baru mandi. took some pics and say goodbye to friends nearby. actually beexan came to my room to say goodbye. and to sirapz, he going home today also. after that hantar kunci and check apa2 yang patut sebelum balik. then, pergi fakulti, pay a last visit there and check apa2 yang patut. took only one pic. hmm! i regret that i don't took banyak pics then. lepas tu, hantar motor pulak.
at about 10am, baru lah bertolak pulang. yeah! here i come. i drove till ayer hitam. my mom said she want to singgah and jenjalan dekat sana. on the way, i meet kereta sirapz. lepas about 30 minutes jenjalan dkt air hitam. panas betul pagi ni. teruskan perjalanan semula. my father want to drove again. aku pun apa lagi, zzZZZZzZZZ. at 1++, singgah dekat ayer keroh r&r, solat jamak. aku teserempak dengan en. noor azam. nasib baik dia tak nampak aku. hehehehe. along selangor and south perak, hujan jugak. baru la terasa sejuk sket.
teruskan perjalanan, singgah dekat tapah. saw sirapz's car. mesti dia ni ZzzZZZZzZ. so, tak jadi nak kacau. hehehe. then my father decided to keluar dekat exit tapah. inilah tempat yang simpan good memories in my early days. i started my schooling here. although 10 years past, tak banyak yang change in this small town. we melalui tapah, kampar, and gopeng. jalan baru dah siap and best jugak dapat memandu dekat jalan baru. sampai gopeng, masuk balik highway. so, tak dapat la nak tengok the land slide dkt gua tempurung tu. then, we rush to berbuka at sg. perak r&r. budget elok jer. sampai around 6.30pm camtu. beli makan and wait... we wait... we wait ...
lepas berbuka and solat jamak, sambung perjalanan. reach home at about 10.00pm. alahai, aku dah terlepas @lias. hehehe. angkat barang and gone to sleep. kroh! kroh! kroh! enjoy pics below.
after subuh, i get my butt to pack all of my things. at about 7 something, my father call that he will be here at about 10 minutes. and then, i rush la mengemas. angkat my belongings ke bawah. i wish i could stay in bed right now. huh! ~sigh~ go up and down with the lift, thank god this lift works. otherwise, i'll be climbing the stairs up to 5th floor. few minutes then, my father arrive. we angkat masuk kereta. after that, i rush up stairs and sapu sampah sarap in my room. at least i left the room in keadaan yang bersih. lepas tu baru mandi. took some pics and say goodbye to friends nearby. actually beexan came to my room to say goodbye. and to sirapz, he going home today also. after that hantar kunci and check apa2 yang patut sebelum balik. then, pergi fakulti, pay a last visit there and check apa2 yang patut. took only one pic. hmm! i regret that i don't took banyak pics then. lepas tu, hantar motor pulak.
at about 10am, baru lah bertolak pulang. yeah! here i come. i drove till ayer hitam. my mom said she want to singgah and jenjalan dekat sana. on the way, i meet kereta sirapz. lepas about 30 minutes jenjalan dkt air hitam. panas betul pagi ni. teruskan perjalanan semula. my father want to drove again. aku pun apa lagi, zzZZZZzZZZ. at 1++, singgah dekat ayer keroh r&r, solat jamak. aku teserempak dengan en. noor azam. nasib baik dia tak nampak aku. hehehehe. along selangor and south perak, hujan jugak. baru la terasa sejuk sket.
teruskan perjalanan, singgah dekat tapah. saw sirapz's car. mesti dia ni ZzzZZZZzZ. so, tak jadi nak kacau. hehehe. then my father decided to keluar dekat exit tapah. inilah tempat yang simpan good memories in my early days. i started my schooling here. although 10 years past, tak banyak yang change in this small town. we melalui tapah, kampar, and gopeng. jalan baru dah siap and best jugak dapat memandu dekat jalan baru. sampai gopeng, masuk balik highway. so, tak dapat la nak tengok the land slide dkt gua tempurung tu. then, we rush to berbuka at sg. perak r&r. budget elok jer. sampai around 6.30pm camtu. beli makan and wait... we wait... we wait ...
lepas berbuka and solat jamak, sambung perjalanan. reach home at about 10.00pm. alahai, aku dah terlepas @lias. hehehe. angkat barang and gone to sleep. kroh! kroh! kroh! enjoy pics below.

bye bye UTM :`(
lerr... igtkan hg jauh kat dpn, rupanya hg blkg skit drp aku... aku singgah kat r&r sg.perak dlm kul 6...
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