this journey: simpang siur

each junction leads us to a different place. 'bersimpang siur' i would like to say it. if i choose the wrong 'simpang', then i would be 'menyimpang'. and that's not a good idea. choosing a 'simpang' is not tough but choosing the right one is tougher.
simpang equal to options, on the road it called simpang, but in life, i call it options. i am really bad at choosing simpang. that means, i am a bad person at choosing the right options in life. am i? hahahaha.
since i move to this place called 'metropolitan', everyday i had to face that i had to choose the right 'simpang'. and most of my chosen simpang is not the right one. damn! it's hard to live here. but, i guess it's the training i have to practice everyday and i hope that i could improve my instinct on choosing the right options in life too. yea!
wrong 'simpang', no U-turn, very long queue, traffic jam. WOW! this is really tough. i guess the 'people of metropolitan' is one tough society. they are indeed.
simpang siur
sana sini penuh simpang
toleh sana sini
langut ataih bawah
lenguh... lenguh...
simpang siur
pilih satu
salah pilih, selak buku
cari-cari mana itu
pusingan U
simpang siur
mana ada itu U-turn
ini namanya lebuhraya
seluk2 kocek, cari kertas
namanya wang buat bayar tol
simpang siur
susah2, pilih simpang
silap2, dah menyimpang
nak patah balik, terbanyang pelempang
orang lain dah lama beratur panjang
simpang siur
terasa nak menendang2
apa boleh buat, aku masih pendatang
duduk diam2, tunggu bas datang.
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