#FOG: malu si pemalu

actually yesterday i told that i want to release my fog library, and today i am happily release it. so soon huh! ntahlah, actually segan nak release kerja yang tak seberapa ni. ashamed man! but feel free lah to download it and use it. is at least i can do for the sake of malaysian graphic programmers. and please comment la, i hope some feedback. please read bacaDAKU.txt before you used it. mmm, that is all i guess.
download glKabus[752KB] sorry, link ni broken
buka new browser dan paste link ni -> http://www.angelfire.com/bug/an_urb/Kabus.zip
p/s: network UTM buat hal pulank hari ni, penat aku turun naik tangga nak bayar yuran. huh

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