good or not

i doesn't know either it is good or bad. i think i have mudah berpuas hati habit. gosh, it is pretty hard for me cause after coming back from sungai petani, i think i have only done few/little progress on my project. this is not a good sign dough! everyday i keep telling to myself that at the end of the day, i have to finish something. mudah berpuas hati, i always thought i've done a good job but then, people always expect more from me. but, thanks to them, i've made it so far. i think i always need somebody to push me, to stress me, to mumble me, and with it i can do better, i guess! so, if you have the same habit like me, what would you do or what would you like me to do? i guess i have to be more motivated to my work, have to concentrate more, have to think better and stop watching tv too much! ahaks!
malaysian video award is just in front of us. and i would like to watch that short films, cause it had started early this month till september. i just want to see that juicy ideas, the colorful visual although sometimes i can't understand what the story is all about. but it is fun to watch. mmm! i can't. i'll be busy finishing my program and i have to consider to start writing reports. man! i hate writing reports. have to check spelling, the word fragments, all the tiny winy details. huh! perlu tabahkan hati melakukan perkara2 itu untuk good remarks. i hope i stand a change to have a good result this semester. InsyaAllah.
thanks all. wassalam and enjoy rasaOgos.
hari ini, gembira
kerana aku bebas
bak merpati terbang tinggi
di angkasa biru meluas
gembira, aku syukur
kerana kita tidak lagi tersungkur
malah bangun bersama berdiri
tidak lagi tertunduk malu menyembah bumi
kita, ayuh kita
lupakan segala sengketa
yang pasti menjadi dalang antara semua
perpecahan peperangan yang datang secara percuma
mereka, kita sudah merdeka
mereka, bukan lagi menjajah kita
mereka, pasti tidak lagi tertawa
kerana kita sudah berdiri bersama, mereka
bulan ini, ogos
bulan penuh makna kepada
yang tahu erti susah payah
mengerti apa itu perit jerih
berkorban walau ianya pedih
merdeka, empat tujuh
47 tahun kita merdeka
daripada mereka
yang datang suka-suka
menakluk, menjajah kita
mari kita
mari kita fikir sebentar
apa jadi kalau kita tidak merdeka
dan mereka pasti suka
benar-benar suka
terima kasih
kepada pejuang-pejuang merdeka
tanpa mereka hari ini kita berduka
tidak kecapi rasa suka
rasa Ogos
rasa semangat merdeka membara
rasa Ogos
rasa semangat bak obor menyala
rasa Ogos, rasa MERDEKA!
tu puisi awak eh? :)
bagus la,try la hantar kat mana-mana.
[ zuril ]
yup, untuk suka2 jer ...
thanks for the compliments, i much appreciate it
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