july, monday, and what so ever

i dont't know what i want to talk today. any idea? hmmm ... memang takder idea la. any how, minggu ni adalah minggu terakhir bagi bulan julai, bulan membaca. did anyone finish reading any book? don't be just like me, i haven't read any book except the book i must: the bluebook, redbook and some internet materials. August is just around the corner, and next month; the school holiday, hari merdeka, my midsem holiday. do anyone celebrate their birthday next month. if there, i would to wish happy ealier birthday. huh! what happen so far in july, i don't know much cause i don't read newpapers lately. maybe the missing helicopter at berkelalan, the malaysian idol had started, the released of the filipino in Iraq, and phillipines had take back their askar from Iraq, the game between Malaysia and Norwich, the copa america, the sad: pemergian adik atiqah, mmm what else? yup, greece won the euro cup, who ad suspected that! wicked! okay la, that's it. be good citizen, be a good human, be good on whatever you wanna be, drive safely, and say Tak Nak to smoking. have a Magnificent Monday! i'm going to wash my kain-kain la, wassalam.
bulan ni bulan membaca,tapi zuril cuma beli SATU novel Inggeris sepanjang bulan nih..sedangkan bulan-bulan lain,more than 5 books.pelik jugak rasanya..and rindu sangat kat Mr.Perfect & Handsome..hehe
next month,bulan kemerdekaan,bulan shopping,frenship week,etc etc.. :)
[ zuril ]
ok apa satu novel, daripada tak beli langsung... ahaks ... thanks for the info anyway ...
aku selalu ker Mr Perfect and Handsome pun ambik peluang baca buku secara free jer ... ahaks ...
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