

a place with pace that love peace

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Location: sungai petani, kedah, Malaysia

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

THE interlook, the INTERview

actually the interview i suppose to attend have been cancel. hahaha, what a relief! ahaks! but the talk that were conduct by the MDC (the company that suppose to interview me) were knowledgable. much input la. i don't know there was an internship programme. what an oppurtunity! this internship programme allow fresh graduate to have work experiences with MSC status company. how you like that! good oppurtunity i see here! if i have luck, maybe one of those MSC status would like my repaired resume. hahaha! or you can get more info at http://internship.mdc.com.my and petang tadi terpaksa la aku repair my resume. actually, the previous resume, i write it within 1 hour. not much details info included. bila diorang check balik, malu pun ada. sungguh memalukan. but, i have repaired it, it is a better resume with details. malam pulak aku contact my last practical supervisor, mr azhar. actually nak mintak untuk letak nama dia dalam ruang references. mr nor azhar ni sempoi jer, memang best kalau dapat boss macam dia. gelak la tiap2 hari, tapi kalau masa serius kena serius la. anyway memang best aaa, ilmu pun bleh tahan jugak aku cedok dari dia. dia benarkan, for sure lah, and dia ucap good luck lagi. yeah! i need that man! thanks again. wokeh lah, enough for now! wasalam. better continue work with mr foggy.


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