all in the weekend
cartoon rendering
kali pertama aku tengok cartoon jenis ni ialah kartun buatan malaysia, tajuk aku tak ingat dan hari ahad hari tu aku nampak kartun spiderman dekat tv2 pun dah apply teknik ni ...
actually apa yang aku cuba bangkitkan dekat sini adalah bidang animasi dekat malaysia masih belum ketinggalan, cumanya kita Malaysia perlu ada content yang menarik dan indentity malaysian perlu dimasukkan. untuk yang tidak tahu apa yang dimaksudkan dengan cartoon rendering, kartun tu dihasilkan secara 3d pada mulanya. tapi kemudian, ianya diubah untuk menjadi seperti teknik kartun tradisional, kartun 2D macam mickey mouse atau usop sontorian. paling ketara adalah pada bayang-bayangnya serta tona warna. cuma dengan cartoon rendering, bayang2 dan tona warna itu lebih tepat. tidak bergantung kepada imaginasi pelukis seperti di dalam pembuatan kartun 2d.
want more info, here is the link
cartoon rendering
FOG: a nice weekend.
menarik juga hujung minggu ni, ada formula one, ada final euro, tidur yang banyak, tengok tv yang banyak, buang masa yang banyak ... tapi aku gembira sebab ada progress, thanks god, alhamdulillah. hari sabtu begitu bermakna sebab such a good and a lot of progress i've been working ... simply understand the ray tracer method, manage to apply texture blending (see pic) and also apply billboading technique (see pic). alhamdullilah. do i have to tell the details? let see ...
orait, ray tracer ... as i was looking for a function that take a pixel properties, there is no where i colud find it. because ray tracer do it by itself. if you want to build up a ray tracer, you must define your own color management function, object function and all the hard works. damn! it hard works man!
texture blending is pretty easy if we could read from book how to do that.
billboarding technique take some time for me to understand it. i'am not very well in handling some mathematical instrument, wakakaka. i don't blame my math teachers. billboarding, it is all about vector, a relationship between camera and quads. if i can analogy it as ... if we were in this big consert, like 'rock the world 5'. people keep staring at the band/vocalist as he walk in every part of the stage. the we could be the quads, and the band is the camera. that is how billboarding works. it(quad) keeps staring the camera where she(camera) goes. so, it will we kinda watching a 3d texture(i paste onto the quad) instate of watching only a thin layer quad. do you understand? nope ... nevermind. but hey! rock the world 5 will be held on 8 december 2004. the j.lo (jason lo) told me man!
and singaporian will held some nice one to this 18 july, it called baybeats ... damn! some new bands that i never heard before is performing ... i would like to see venus butterfly, ahaks! they such a nice, cute little girls that ROCKS! ahaks! terasa gatal2 pulak. behave myself man!
to congaratulate
and i would like to take this opportunity to congratulate my cousin for the opening of a new restaurant. i am sorry i couldn't make it for the big day! i tought, everyone were there except me! ahaks! congratulation man! keep it up and build the empire of yours! i think i talk much already! time to go. and not forgetting, thanks to all that let me include their blog in mine! thanks guys and girls. i much appreciate it! wasalam.
kali pertama aku tengok cartoon jenis ni ialah kartun buatan malaysia, tajuk aku tak ingat dan hari ahad hari tu aku nampak kartun spiderman dekat tv2 pun dah apply teknik ni ...
actually apa yang aku cuba bangkitkan dekat sini adalah bidang animasi dekat malaysia masih belum ketinggalan, cumanya kita Malaysia perlu ada content yang menarik dan indentity malaysian perlu dimasukkan. untuk yang tidak tahu apa yang dimaksudkan dengan cartoon rendering, kartun tu dihasilkan secara 3d pada mulanya. tapi kemudian, ianya diubah untuk menjadi seperti teknik kartun tradisional, kartun 2D macam mickey mouse atau usop sontorian. paling ketara adalah pada bayang-bayangnya serta tona warna. cuma dengan cartoon rendering, bayang2 dan tona warna itu lebih tepat. tidak bergantung kepada imaginasi pelukis seperti di dalam pembuatan kartun 2d.
want more info, here is the link
cartoon rendering
FOG: a nice weekend.
menarik juga hujung minggu ni, ada formula one, ada final euro, tidur yang banyak, tengok tv yang banyak, buang masa yang banyak ... tapi aku gembira sebab ada progress, thanks god, alhamdulillah. hari sabtu begitu bermakna sebab such a good and a lot of progress i've been working ... simply understand the ray tracer method, manage to apply texture blending (see pic) and also apply billboading technique (see pic). alhamdullilah. do i have to tell the details? let see ...

orait, ray tracer ... as i was looking for a function that take a pixel properties, there is no where i colud find it. because ray tracer do it by itself. if you want to build up a ray tracer, you must define your own color management function, object function and all the hard works. damn! it hard works man!
texture blending is pretty easy if we could read from book how to do that.
billboarding technique take some time for me to understand it. i'am not very well in handling some mathematical instrument, wakakaka. i don't blame my math teachers. billboarding, it is all about vector, a relationship between camera and quads. if i can analogy it as ... if we were in this big consert, like 'rock the world 5'. people keep staring at the band/vocalist as he walk in every part of the stage. the we could be the quads, and the band is the camera. that is how billboarding works. it(quad) keeps staring the camera where she(camera) goes. so, it will we kinda watching a 3d texture(i paste onto the quad) instate of watching only a thin layer quad. do you understand? nope ... nevermind. but hey! rock the world 5 will be held on 8 december 2004. the j.lo (jason lo) told me man!
and singaporian will held some nice one to this 18 july, it called baybeats ... damn! some new bands that i never heard before is performing ... i would like to see venus butterfly, ahaks! they such a nice, cute little girls that ROCKS! ahaks! terasa gatal2 pulak. behave myself man!
to congaratulate
and i would like to take this opportunity to congratulate my cousin for the opening of a new restaurant. i am sorry i couldn't make it for the big day! i tought, everyone were there except me! ahaks! congratulation man! keep it up and build the empire of yours! i think i talk much already! time to go. and not forgetting, thanks to all that let me include their blog in mine! thanks guys and girls. i much appreciate it! wasalam.
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