#FOG: what happened

slow slow progress i had yesterday. i think i haven't done much. except for a easy func SetTexture(tex1, tex2, tex3); the func that take 3 textures for the volume. itu pun, i had done in the morning. in the afternoon, as usual i have to go to lab and had to be back early cause it will rains after that. yesterday, i've tried to find any information about creating a *.lib file. is it correct if i say that creating a *.lib file is a part of creating *.dll (dynamic link library). anyone, please respond man! aku tak mahu sesat maa! this *.lib thing, i will try to make it as glpng, glui does. just for fun. and yesterday, after the rains stopped, i try mr foggy into my previous VR assignment. nice! nice! nice! but you have to include many2 file lah. so i thought if we use the *.lib and *.dll, it will less files to be included. see pic above for the integration of mr foggy in that VR assignment. as i said, not much to be report here about yesterday progress. any comments or opinions or suggestions, please do so. i much appreciate it. so, that is a wrap.

* thanks to 1kHz for the perlin noise idea, a great one two. i will consider that. it is kind a cloud filter in photoshop ... nice man! thanks!
* ijok, betul ker nombor yang ko kasi tu, nanti aku call dekat mana center di KL. insyaAllah kalau takder apa2 hal, khamis @ jumaat ni aku turun KL ... laptop shopping
ijok, tak confirm lagi hari apa ... bergantung kepada pakcik juga, boleh m.c ker tak ...
aku dah tengok jenama lain, tapi spec dia tak cun macam yang ni ... tapi promotion sampai 16 jer kan ... tak tau sempat ker idak ...
kalau tidak aku cari dekat lowyat jer la ...
macam penah kulihat sebelum ini, tapi di mana ya? :P
cantik betul la.. ni mcm dah nak siap ni.. bleh la present awal :) bagus betul la progress ko.. "the superior" mesti suka hati...
making a .lib is easy peasy my friend, just select C++ Static Library when making a new project in VC++.. ask "the superior"s practical student, they know how to do it (they're supposed to, i've tought them :P )
p/s: i've added some comment after you commented the my last comment :? so might wanna check it out..
thanks for the comments ... mmm ..
and thanks for the links too ...
glMatrixMode(GL_TEXTURE) //baru aku tahu
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