#FOG: the loud laughing is starting
-0200 am-
yup! it is starting ... but it is part of the challange ... i have to plan it slowly and perfectly. i hope keberkatan penghulu segala hari, hari jumaat; dapat melangsaikan hutang aku berjaga lewat malam. oleh kerana, sakit leher tu belum hilang, i suppose i have to go bed early. error all over my code. why? why? why? maybe sebab otak tak dapat berfungsi bila letih. dah lewat. i have to go to bed! good night, wassalam.
-0930 am-
i have to wake up early, i have to do! so i wake up early than before! i have to pending my mr foggy. i thought i want to pay the electrical belongings fee to the college admin and then straight too PSZ, just want to see the book fair organized by penerbit UTM and try to look out entry form for career fair. i think today is the last day! i hope i'm not too late. it's raining now and i'm going to have my bath now.
-1200 noon-
settle about the electrical fee, got the entry form (it is a form for interviews). got back quickly to write a resume. damn! after finish writing it, suddenly the MS Word hang, what the heck is this? it is part of the challenge. go to solat jumaat.
-0300 pm-
after lunch, get back to room. quickly write again the resume. AGAIN! hope to make it before 4 pm cause any entry will not be accept after 4 o'clock.
-0400 pm -
nasib baik sempat lagi, hantar borang and tunggu 15/7 utk shortlist nama2 peserta yang layak di interview.
here i am dekat lab, cuba mengupdatekan blog sendiri. and jangan salah anggap dengan artwork dekat bawah ... sila baca dbetul2 and have a nice weekend guys
-0200 am-
yup! it is starting ... but it is part of the challange ... i have to plan it slowly and perfectly. i hope keberkatan penghulu segala hari, hari jumaat; dapat melangsaikan hutang aku berjaga lewat malam. oleh kerana, sakit leher tu belum hilang, i suppose i have to go bed early. error all over my code. why? why? why? maybe sebab otak tak dapat berfungsi bila letih. dah lewat. i have to go to bed! good night, wassalam.
-0930 am-
i have to wake up early, i have to do! so i wake up early than before! i have to pending my mr foggy. i thought i want to pay the electrical belongings fee to the college admin and then straight too PSZ, just want to see the book fair organized by penerbit UTM and try to look out entry form for career fair. i think today is the last day! i hope i'm not too late. it's raining now and i'm going to have my bath now.
-1200 noon-
settle about the electrical fee, got the entry form (it is a form for interviews). got back quickly to write a resume. damn! after finish writing it, suddenly the MS Word hang, what the heck is this? it is part of the challenge. go to solat jumaat.
-0300 pm-
after lunch, get back to room. quickly write again the resume. AGAIN! hope to make it before 4 pm cause any entry will not be accept after 4 o'clock.
-0400 pm -
nasib baik sempat lagi, hantar borang and tunggu 15/7 utk shortlist nama2 peserta yang layak di interview.
here i am dekat lab, cuba mengupdatekan blog sendiri. and jangan salah anggap dengan artwork dekat bawah ... sila baca dbetul2 and have a nice weekend guys

nice..ilham hari jumaat eh?
bagus untuk motivasi diri :)
thanks for sharing!
[ zuril ]
bang, pi signup mane mane free server utk comment bley tak? =P
repond to zuril:
thanks again.
respond to ellene:
alahai, ni kan dia dah buat comment dah ...
but i take note ... nantilah cik ellene heh!
thanks for the comments, i much appreciate it
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