weekend treats
much of my work/progress i had done on saturday. on sunday, i woke up late. i don't know why. as i woke up, it is already 11.30 am. huh! ahaks! woke up late, mamai and then watch tv, bath, eat lunch, watch gilmore. when i want to start to code, it is raining with thunder ... i'm not blaming on the raining man. so, i turn off my computer and felt asleep on my bed. ahaks! as i woke up, it is already 4.45pm. ahaks! don't be mad at me! mamai again. then, solat asar! then, i decided to went to jusco to buy 3 in 1 milo. mine is already finish. my first stop at jusco, as usual is at Mr Perfect and Handsome (MPH, pinjam kata2 zuril). not to buy books, but i love to hang out there. read few magazines, read few programming books, ahaks! it is free. thanks to Mr Perfect and Handsome. i spend about an hour in there! then, back to my mission, to hunt down 3 in 1 milo. wow! there is so many people in here. why? it is because the sign stated 50%, 70% discount. that's why ... mmm, should i bought something? i think no, i came here to buy 3 in 1 milo only. ahaks! maybe next time lah!
ahaaa! there is my 3 in 1 milo. yea! yea! yea! before i pay it, let's jalan2 around, maybe ada benda menarik yang boleh dibeli. i was attracted to this girl, ehh.. silap2 attracted to this beatiful2 botol2 minuman ... i like to collect different shape of botol ... mmm, it is coke and pepsi japanese version. i want to buy it! hah! it cost rm8.99. man! i can't effort that for a piece of metals. maybe next time! or anyone of you would like to buy it for me? ahaks! then, i saw this mini 7up. it cost rm2.09! why so expensive lah. maybe i can it at lorong kulit! but i decided to bought it! ahaks! that evening, i only bought a soya bean drinks, a mini 7up and of course 3 in 1 milo. had to long long queue for this 3 things. huh! before go back, stop at music store. just to look any new records. there is no good one. so, go back lah, it is almost 7.00pm. malam pulak, had to watch O.C, ahaks! i only start my code after 12.00, ahaks! so, have to stay up late lah ...
opsss!!! last saturday, my mom called to inform that my cousin have received her check. what for? to buy a notebook. actually, we have made a quotation from a kedai before (at sg. petani), but her father decided to buy the notebook at KL. he said, we could find latest one with cheaper cost! mmm, yeah, he right. so, he asked my mom to asked me to survey a new one. with a cost below rm5000. hey! anyone of you have any suggestions? because dah lama aku tak usha2 hardware punya barang, harga pun tak tau. i thought i could find in lowyat. any suggestions kedai mana yang best. ada juga aku pernah dengar 'house of notebook', korang tahu tak dekat mana kedai ni? kalau ada cadangan atau tahu kedai2 yang best, tolong la inform aku, kalau nak hantar email, send it to an_urb@hotmail.com. ok then, wassalam. have a good quality monday you guys!

ahaaa! there is my 3 in 1 milo. yea! yea! yea! before i pay it, let's jalan2 around, maybe ada benda menarik yang boleh dibeli. i was attracted to this girl, ehh.. silap2 attracted to this beatiful2 botol2 minuman ... i like to collect different shape of botol ... mmm, it is coke and pepsi japanese version. i want to buy it! hah! it cost rm8.99. man! i can't effort that for a piece of metals. maybe next time! or anyone of you would like to buy it for me? ahaks! then, i saw this mini 7up. it cost rm2.09! why so expensive lah. maybe i can it at lorong kulit! but i decided to bought it! ahaks! that evening, i only bought a soya bean drinks, a mini 7up and of course 3 in 1 milo. had to long long queue for this 3 things. huh! before go back, stop at music store. just to look any new records. there is no good one. so, go back lah, it is almost 7.00pm. malam pulak, had to watch O.C, ahaks! i only start my code after 12.00, ahaks! so, have to stay up late lah ...

opsss!!! last saturday, my mom called to inform that my cousin have received her check. what for? to buy a notebook. actually, we have made a quotation from a kedai before (at sg. petani), but her father decided to buy the notebook at KL. he said, we could find latest one with cheaper cost! mmm, yeah, he right. so, he asked my mom to asked me to survey a new one. with a cost below rm5000. hey! anyone of you have any suggestions? because dah lama aku tak usha2 hardware punya barang, harga pun tak tau. i thought i could find in lowyat. any suggestions kedai mana yang best. ada juga aku pernah dengar 'house of notebook', korang tahu tak dekat mana kedai ni? kalau ada cadangan atau tahu kedai2 yang best, tolong la inform aku, kalau nak hantar email, send it to an_urb@hotmail.com. ok then, wassalam. have a good quality monday you guys!

dah agak lama tak dating dgn Mr.Perfect & Handsome. :)bila baca pasal botol tu,pernah jugak nampak.tapi from Thailand (Coke),sure dah ada dalam collection kan?
btw,suka artwork no.2..
[ zuril ]
macam best notebook ni
The InspironTM 600m
respond to zuril:
ahaks! i bet Mr Perfect & Handsome dying to see you again ...
mmm, i do ...
ijok, apsal dalam intech tu dia cakap harga dia rm8.088, ker aku yang silap baca
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