title unknown
#FOG: meet the superior
last night would be my first meeting with my supervisor. it turn out to be fine. he as always gave much input as well as suggestion. yup! nice, i love that suggession and i'll try my best to create such ouput. so today, i doesn't want to talk about the progress as idon't. have to finish my extended abstrak that to be summitted today. ahaks! many corrections to be done.
8/7/2004; is today a great day! don't know yet but still have to make it so a great day. wake up late this morning as i stay up late last night. and still my eyes are not open entirely yet. wahahaha! people said that when you laugh, you could stay awake. is it? this morning oi found that 'disagree', the malaysian made band had release their second music video; suicide note, after the release crumbs music vdeo. the music video, not bad! the actors, the locations, the camera angles, the lightings, the art values, it is all there. almost the entire scenes of the video, we could see peolple running all over the place. and i can't find the true story behind it. it ending is just hanging .... i could make the conclusion of that video. but i still enjoy it. it is the good music maaaaa!!!
then semalam, ada seseorang tanya dalam satu forum mengenai image processing. yup! that one tough subject man! all the bytes, the offset, it is hard! but i can learned. not impossible man! this seseorang ask how to convert from TIFF file image to RAW file image. i wonder! ahaks, lama dah tinggal benda ni, memang tak ingat. so aku just pergi tanya pakcik google la. bila baca2 balik, ada la ingat sket all those thing. first thing sebelum nak process/convert, we have to analyze the header. dalam header tu la tersimpan macam2 maklumat seperti panjang, lebar, jenis (MSB-most significant t bit, LSB-less significant bit). dari situ kita boleh la manipulate this image, nak buat patterning ker, haltoning ker, contrast ker, dithering ker, dan apa lagi la?
untuk buat manipulation, kena cari stripoffset kerana permulaan data bermula selepas nya. lepas dah cari strip offset, mula la baca fail input berdasarkan panjang dan lebar yang kita extract dari header tadi.
//contoh nak buat ascii
for [i=0;i kecildrpd image_width;i++]
for [j=0;j kecildrpd image_height;j++]
baca dari fail, piksel per piksel
uji nilai piksel dengan range yang berbeza
if (piksel==100)
lukis bentuk # dalam fail baru (ascii file)
else if (piksel==128)
lukis bentuk @ dalam fail baru (ascii file)
contoh diatas adalah rough jer, aku bukan nya ingat sangat macam mana nak buat. just the idea jer. for my own revision only. kalau salah tolong betulkan la. ahaks! isyhh! panjang pulak aku bersembang hari ni. ahaks! so, it is the time i guess. time to stop. have a very wonderful and impressive yet mysterious day, today! don't forget to smile and laugh. wakakakAKAKAKWAKAKWAKAKWA! AHAHAHAHAHAHahaha! excuse me! ok, wasalam.
last night would be my first meeting with my supervisor. it turn out to be fine. he as always gave much input as well as suggestion. yup! nice, i love that suggession and i'll try my best to create such ouput. so today, i doesn't want to talk about the progress as idon't. have to finish my extended abstrak that to be summitted today. ahaks! many corrections to be done.

8/7/2004; is today a great day! don't know yet but still have to make it so a great day. wake up late this morning as i stay up late last night. and still my eyes are not open entirely yet. wahahaha! people said that when you laugh, you could stay awake. is it? this morning oi found that 'disagree', the malaysian made band had release their second music video; suicide note, after the release crumbs music vdeo. the music video, not bad! the actors, the locations, the camera angles, the lightings, the art values, it is all there. almost the entire scenes of the video, we could see peolple running all over the place. and i can't find the true story behind it. it ending is just hanging .... i could make the conclusion of that video. but i still enjoy it. it is the good music maaaaa!!!
then semalam, ada seseorang tanya dalam satu forum mengenai image processing. yup! that one tough subject man! all the bytes, the offset, it is hard! but i can learned. not impossible man! this seseorang ask how to convert from TIFF file image to RAW file image. i wonder! ahaks, lama dah tinggal benda ni, memang tak ingat. so aku just pergi tanya pakcik google la. bila baca2 balik, ada la ingat sket all those thing. first thing sebelum nak process/convert, we have to analyze the header. dalam header tu la tersimpan macam2 maklumat seperti panjang, lebar, jenis (MSB-most significant t bit, LSB-less significant bit). dari situ kita boleh la manipulate this image, nak buat patterning ker, haltoning ker, contrast ker, dithering ker, dan apa lagi la?
untuk buat manipulation, kena cari stripoffset kerana permulaan data bermula selepas nya. lepas dah cari strip offset, mula la baca fail input berdasarkan panjang dan lebar yang kita extract dari header tadi.
//contoh nak buat ascii
for [i=0;i kecildrpd image_width;i++]
for [j=0;j kecildrpd image_height;j++]
baca dari fail, piksel per piksel
uji nilai piksel dengan range yang berbeza
if (piksel==100)
lukis bentuk # dalam fail baru (ascii file)
else if (piksel==128)
lukis bentuk @ dalam fail baru (ascii file)
contoh diatas adalah rough jer, aku bukan nya ingat sangat macam mana nak buat. just the idea jer. for my own revision only. kalau salah tolong betulkan la. ahaks! isyhh! panjang pulak aku bersembang hari ni. ahaks! so, it is the time i guess. time to stop. have a very wonderful and impressive yet mysterious day, today! don't forget to smile and laugh. wakakakAKAKAKWAKAKWAKAKWA! AHAHAHAHAHAHahaha! excuse me! ok, wasalam.
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