'angkat kaki', i would say that is the most suitable word to describe my absent for the past few weeks. so, angkat kaki ke mana? angkat kaki takder la that far, about 300km from home. that place they call metropolitan. the place that i call hectic, always in fast pace, no compromise, dan berdikari.
this kaki have to be angkat cause i had took too much time waiting. the kaki dah letih duduk bergoyang2 everyday. and one day, someone that i know, whom i call sis, offer me this opportunity that i had to take although this is tough. why? cause i'm leaving my comfort zone, the zone that i really love and enjoy for the past 5-6 months. living with the love and care from my parents. hehehe. i guess, that tak akan bertahan lama.
so, after few weeks here. i'm still the same person few weeks before aku angkat kaki. masih unemployed. i know i have to try harder, much more harder sebab ramai on the same sampan like me, 'the unemployed sampan' i would like to call it.
an early this week, i have a chance to go online after a long wait. a few good news. and many bad news as always. i just got few invitation to join teams, building e-site. although, i know that really not conform yet. but that gave me such motivation to move on. and also thanks to ijok for recommended me to few jobs. terima kasih byk2. arigato'.
for that motivation, i steadily learning PHP 5. the 'thing' that i always want to explore. but i got distracted with the 'comfort zone' before.
so, that would be the rough coretan of my few weeks of angkat kaki.