

a place with pace that love peace

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Location: sungai petani, kedah, Malaysia

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

They are back!

lookie lookie who's back. Game yg telah memikat aku beberapa tahun lepas. Gameplay best, aku rasa gameplay dia lagi best dari GTA. grafik pun detail. AI pun best! haha.
dah tak sabaq nak main, harap2 komp aku boleh lepas requirement game ni... all the best! fuh! fuh!

Monday, August 23, 2010

how to be hype and own fame

no. NO! i'm not interested to talk about the above title. it's just a promotion and marketing purpose only. just to get more viewers to this blog! sorry to let you guys down...


JM the 1st never failed to impress me (so far). takdak sapa2 nak jemput dia mai dtg sini ka. we need this than other hype foreign artists. i demand talent!

and dia pandai bermain kamera. hahaha

Thursday, August 12, 2010

2nd light of 1431H

gladly, happily, awesomeness. we managed to go thru the 1st day of ramadhan. we're are truly blessed. don't we? are you? I am! those feeling, rasa semacam mmg tak pernah hilang bila tiba ramadhan. i am awe and thankful im still able to feel the feels of this month.

be good boys and girls. there will always 'a paid' at the end of the day!


'we choose love, we choose light' melekat jugak lirik abg dan kakak the submarines ni. ;)

Friday, August 06, 2010

cerita nak puasa 1431H

tup tup tup tup tup
dh nak puasa...
tu la dia, masa mmg cepat

tapi satu yg best pasal bulan puasa ni sbb, tiap2 kali nak puasa, gua mesti terserempak dgn satu design lama gua. femes jugak design cabuk gua tu. orang letak dkt avatar, profile pic, masuk dalam blog. gila lah, kalau gua mintak royalti, sure gua boleh raya dengan senang hati.. haha...
rugi dulu sbb gua tak letak nama website ka, kalau tak sure marketing free gua dapat.... haha

ni la yg kat bawah ni la design cabuk gua yg femes tu

lagi satu ada design kad raya. pun org minat jugak, kalau gua buat bisnes kad raya sure kaya gua... haha

terima kasih la kwn2 appreciate design gua. jgn mengaku buat sendiri dh la design cabuk gua tu. bukan lawa sgt pun... haha
selamat berpuasa dan selamat beramal...

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

will u be inspired

this movie will always inspired me...