

a place with pace that love peace

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Location: sungai petani, kedah, Malaysia

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Cerita Bergambar

it was fun yesterday, it's my skecthing day!

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Friday, May 27, 2005

Tupah banyak sesumpah?

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satu nama, satu kata, satu tempat. dulu nama ini indah, kini nama ini tak di endah. dulu, ianya sempurna tapi kini 'Tupah' tertumpah dengan jelingan-jelingan serong, ucapan-ucapan sinis dan lakunya tidak lagi manja. mengapa? kenapa? bagaimana? apa? siapa?

mengapa dan kenapa? tempat ini indah namanya Tupah. tempat untuk melihat kebesaran Allah s.w.t dan bukannya @#^@#&*$. i'm sicked and tired of this thing! aku kata begini bukannya kerna aku cukup sempurna TAPI mengapa dan kenapa? aku juga tidak tahu kenapa? fikiran logik aku ini tak mampu bersambung dengan alam realiti. i don't know why?

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bagaimana? aku bertanya lagi sebab manusia semulajadinya cukup 'curios'. why in the first place TUPAH jadi sasaran. Bukankah ianya hutan dan hutan didiami oleh berbagai2 makhluk Allah s.w.t yang lain. tidak gentarkah mereka? betul jugak, Allah s.w.t pun mereka tidak gentar inikan pula makhluk Allah s.w.t. tapi aku tidak mampu beri jawapan konkrit kerana aku tidak tahu!

apa dan siapa? apa semua ini? siapa semua ini? aku tidak tahu apa dan aku tidak kenal mereka . *beristighfar* dan mintak dijauhkan dari segala semua ini.


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Tupah, dah berkali2 aku ke sana dan alhamdulillah aku masih punya peluang utk melihat kebesaranNYA. udaranya nyaman, bunyinya damai, airnya dingin, aku jadi tenang. dan Tupah, jangan 'hilang' kerna aku mahu merasa tenang itu lagi nanti.

but what do i know. Allah s.w.t yang lebih mengetahui.

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Friday, May 20, 2005

Sejuk, Tenang dan Idea

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is it right when we stay at cold places, we can chill out? or you would say that you want to go to the men's or ladies room to deliver the 'kehendak alam' thing. cold places like office that have 'ekon' don't make me chilled out. it gave me headache. yea! i said that because i had bad experiences on that, during my pratical training. sejuk tak terkata sampai one staff there said 'we had reach the peti ais zone' upon entering the office.

that is not the story of this entry actually. one cold place that i have it in mind would be the 'bilik air'. so what exactly the relationship between sejuk, tenang and idea with 'bilik air'. the 'bilik air' is the places i spend so much time to think of ideas for my assignments during my days in university. i love that 'bilik air' sejuk, sunyi dan bunyi titisan air feelings. i have to admit that most my idea came from this room called 'bilik air'. and most of daily problems solved in that particular room called 'bilik air'. a part from used for 'mandi', it has bring other specialty in my life. although, there's no assignments to think of, i still spend my thinking time in bathroom cause i enjoy it. and for the sake of saving water i actually 'bawa ke depan' the unsolved problems for the next shower. hahaha. that's the secret of my problem solving. hahahaha.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Lawatan ke Penang

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last weekend i went to penang again, and this time is just for a visit. there is no plan for it. it just happen that i wake up that morning and feel that i have to go to penang. maybe because i missed penang after my last visit about a month ago. what change?

the first thing would be the ferry's ticket. it had raised for rm0.60 from rm1.40 to rm2.00. the second thing is that the marina near the jetty is near completion. horay to them who earned big money.

3. the restoration of old building are 'giat' dijalankan. i love to see new building got restored each time i visit penang. it is a good thing for me as i love architecture. it just a pleaseant scene to see nice building get restored. and of cause it is good for my photo project. huhuhuhu.

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4. it kinda odd that day! too many people in shopping mall and less on the streets. i know it's been raining lately, but it's weird to see too many people that day.

5. wow! i guess 'kempen membaca' had archive it's target. as i entered on bookshop, there's lot2 people in it. this is wicked. i love to see that each corner of that bookshop filled with people. or it's because the vcd/dvd 'pirate' store closed on that day! or maybe it raining outside. whatever cause it, it is nice to see on that day! tak beli buku pun takpa, asal lepak dan belek2 buku sudah la. jangan koyak buku sudah.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


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biru. sejuk, dingin, ais, awan, semuanya yang berkaitan dengan biru. yup! at last, i had the opportunity to watch that "blue" film. never thought i would want to watch it after a bad experiences on previous film before. sometimes it feels so discourage after a bad experience. but, hey! what the heck. i should give this film a chance.

and there you go, i decide to watch it. on the other hand, the desire came from few damn factors. 1- it's visual made me to decide. yup, the first thing that push me to watch a film would be the visual. 2- cause it came from damn good 'sutradara, a perfectionist they said 3- every time i watch commercial break on tv, i feel damn excited. it's the power of media to distract people including me. i remmember that time when i feel that i had to buy 'Din Dang' cause the iklan yang 'mengagumkan'. 4- this should be the third, but what the heck. the fourth would be the soundtrack. i'm a big fan of music. so they had caught me to watch that 'blue' film.

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yea! most people would said they watch film because of the 'iktibar' or 'mesej' from the film. yea, i must say it's good practice but how should i know the 'mesej' before i watch that damn 'blue' film. i guess all movie had feature their own 'mesej' to the watchers. but the best film would give new experiences or share the same experiences with the watchers. that's my opinion, others i do not know la.

inside mendalami 'blue' film. it brings that feel i wanna feel when i watched it. although half of it is so slow ... slow for me (slow mcm masa defrag harddisk), but it had the best climax indeed. WOW, clap2 la. it almost make me cry. but cause i had awek cun (awek org lain) on my both side, i had to 'tahan' the tears. hahahaha, for a moment i guess. the tears can stand to 'tahan' anymore. but, ok apa, keluar sket aja. they (awek cun) won't notice it. hmm, i notice that the feel is the same feel when i watch japan's 'cerita sedih'. almost of the teka-teki dibagitau. yup, takyah aku pikiaq so hard to discover, what happen here? what happen there? what happen before?

the storyline is ordinary, that what i love about a real-life film. it share experiences. yup, the 'org' in the film. they are so real, for me la. others i do not know. the first, is blue. the second, is red. the third would be both, the 'lengkap melengkapi' human. i admire people who in the 'blue-red' category. if could have them, they would be mine. do you the third one? can i have you? no! it's okay!

shortly, i would say, the 'blue' film s about life, whenever it blue or red, we have to live as it. and of cause 'cari apa yang mahu cari' sebab tak semua org berpeluang cari apa yang mereka mahu cari dalam hidup mereka.

this is my only bad interpretation about that 'blue' film. you can have your's by watching it.

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on the other side, i had to congratulate the indonesian art community, they had grew a lot. and almost matang. while we still growing! and the good and the best people in our arts community still don't have chances or they don't want to take chances. no! no! a few had take chances! and they prove it. and i would to see more. yup, more please. something good from the best malaysian. yup, we are the 'malaysia boleh' people.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Tora datang lagi?


hari ini datang lagi. hari guru. 'selamat hari guru' pada semua bekas guru, sedang guru dan bakal guru kat atas bumi ni. tanpa kamu semua, takdak la org yang dpt berjaya termasuk aku. arigato' cikgu2 aku dan sifoo2 aku. apa tema tahun ni, sama mcm tahun lepas gak kan? something about kualiti kan? haaa! Guru Berkualiti Pemangkin Kegemilangan'

'selamat hari guru'

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Pixel: malaskah aku

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Sunday, May 08, 2005

Selamat Hari Mama

hari ni hari ahad, hari ni hari emak, ibu, umi, mother, mama, mummy, okasan, muqin, ama. selamatlah para emak2 didunia. kepada semua emak dan bakal emak, happy mother's day

terima kasih.

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Friday, May 06, 2005

Vector: Recently done

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