dude! it's 29th of february la today. gyahaha, takdak la excited sgt pun. tp ada kot sorang yg excited hari ni, sbb dlm masa 4 thn, hr ni je la dia boleh celebrate bday! happy bday dude! dpt present apa dr wife hang. huehuehue.
watching terrible tv ... dude i had my yearly accident last wednesday. thanks to "encik yg bercakap dgn telefon bimbitnya di dalam kereta myvi hitamnya". maybe an important call kot, to his girlfriend maybe. dude, nyawa aku lebih important lah! thanks dude, now i lost few hundreds mililiter of blood, bunch of bruises and scratches. kirim salam sama awek ko tu!

watching terrible tv, it kills all thought ... dude, next week pi la mengundi. babe, jangan lupa ajak boyfriend korang pi skali ... gyahahaha. Tapi, S. Krishnan tu sapa dude. apa dah jadi sama V Saravanan? haish, should i care?
watching terrible tv ... dude i had my yearly accident last wednesday. thanks to "encik yg bercakap dgn telefon bimbitnya di dalam kereta myvi hitamnya". maybe an important call kot, to his girlfriend maybe. dude, nyawa aku lebih important lah! thanks dude, now i lost few hundreds mililiter of blood, bunch of bruises and scratches. kirim salam sama awek ko tu!

watching terrible tv, it kills all thought ... dude, next week pi la mengundi. babe, jangan lupa ajak boyfriend korang pi skali ... gyahahaha. Tapi, S. Krishnan tu sapa dude. apa dah jadi sama V Saravanan? haish, should i care?