

a place with pace that love peace

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Location: sungai petani, kedah, Malaysia

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Its weird tough to think of that people sometimes go crazy for an unnecessary 'things'. Perhaps we just after all humane, the un-perfect little creature. But, with this craziness, we/i got to reflect own self. Pejadah nya depa ni kalut pasai tarikh. Semanyang lima waktu tak cukup, tak kalut plak. ahaha.

But hey, Allah s.w.t itu Maha Adil. I got a little taste of 12.12.12. The day seems meaningful too me lah. Thanks for the 'days prescriptions'

1. Perkahwenan. Arti kelangsungan segala positif utk mbina cinta pada Tuhan, Kahwen bukan utk nafsu semata tp alma mata sbg seorg manusia. Keseimbangan pelbagai sudut dari pcantuman dua seia sekata pihak tmasuk keluaga kdua pihak. Perlu jelas intipati kahwen mana imamnya mana makmumnya.Peranan sbg anak, menantu, adik beradik, ipar, ibu, ayah, nenek, datok, etc. As long its balance and flexible, its alright :) (12.12.12)
2. Type of marriage/family. Masih bpegang pd husband as a imam seperti tuntutan agama di assistant oleh wife dgn fahaman yg sama. Agama sgt pentg tp bukan radical. Amalan gabungan agama, sedikit amalan melayu dan separuh barat. Bukan dasar keluarga ortodoks, hitler atau sbgnya. Husband and wife tetapkan dasarnya. (12.12.12)
3. Karektor. Batu konkrit dan besi structure+enemy, pengkritik+imam. In sha Allah. Yang paling utama sayang cintanya pada 'saya' kerana Tuhan, br yang atas tu complete. Dan dapat membantu uruskan jenazah bapak 'saya' bila smpi saat dia. Ini yang utama.(12.12.12)
 Well said, well said and beautifully put. Rasa dan katanya sampai. Terima kasih! For making me understand. :)


Thursday, December 06, 2012


Been asked again. But this time, more deep and dying question. Hah! Yaa, i've been thinking of settling down like years and i'm approaching it when it collapsed. Just like that. So here it is, been asked about how i define marriage, and below are my spontaneous respond

Perkahwinan for me is a akaun janji antara lelaki dan perempuan untuk melangkah ke satu perhubungan yang halal seperti dituntut oleh agama. Through marriage, we have to share, have give and take, learn/accept the other imperfections. enjoy the smallest things life would give. Yaa, marriage need to have trust too. With trust, macam juga belief kita dengan pencipta kita, we will be ok. Hmmm ape lagi. I think its a long lasting journey to learn each other, macam masa mula2 kenal dulu. And willing not to give up on each other. Aaaa, that's my brief definition about marriage. (: (4 Dec 2012)

Thanks for asking :)