

a place with pace that love peace

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Location: sungai petani, kedah, Malaysia

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

FOG: meeting one

tonight i have to present my project, how it goes for last week. i don't know what can i say if my supervisor ask about it. damn! this is hard to be implement that propose it. the techniques i choose make me to think all days on how to get it done. the theory, the consept much better, easier to understand, but how can i code it is the difficult past. actually, i had figure out some other alternatives but just like my friends project, the techniques. it called billboarding. actually today, i want to implement it in my prototype, the quads will always move according to the camera orientation. but much worse, it just exactly my friends project.

my problems is just how could i want to get the color for a pixel so that i can blend it with te intersect object. if there any gl function that can recognize what is the color for certain pixel like glGetPixelColor or what so ever? could anyone tell me right now! i need to it right now. or i have to ask uncle google.

below are some program i code for last week. using glFog function and blending technique. so, this week i have to start coding my own functions and my own fog. anyone that have ideas and knowledge about this thing, please stap forward and share with me. i need some conversation. ahaks!


wall148 besar

wall149 besar

wall150 besar

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

from terengganu

terengganu update (this is a long entry)


i arrived at kuala terengganu at about 5 am in the morning. i was dropped at perhentian bas majlis perbandaran kuala terengganu. the travel was so long as it took about nine hours. but i was delighted to see kuala terengganu and all the sengal-sengal badan hilang sekejap. so, i call my cousin to pick me up. sampai at hotel that is K.T Beach Resort, almost all them awake watching football match, sweden vs netherlands. masa tu dah penalty shootout, so aku manage to watch the winner. selepas solat subuh, terus keluar tengok matahari terbit, almaklumlah, mak sedara aku, tempah bilik depan pantai so aku took this opportunity untuk berbuat demikian. lepas jalan2 tepi pantai, main bola pulak dengan my cousins and anak sedara, the cute cik alis. she seem so happy to play at the beach. she doesn't know it is beach as she keep telling me it is a waterfall. maybe sebab sebelum ni tak pernah ke pantai lagi. after breakfast, we gone to KUSZA for the great moments. boleh tahan KUSZA ni, takder ler teruk sangat seperti yang pernah aku dengar orang cakap. setelah sampai dekat dewan utk tengok the 'events', aku pun mula la mencapai peralatan merakam video, dah macam jurukamera pro pulak. aku cari spot yang clear. alih-alih duduk belakang awek-awek KUSZA. maybe junior kot. so, start la merakam detik-detik kegemilangan my cousin. sementara nak tunggu cousin aku keluar, ambik beberapa shot dalam dewan tu. banyak shot menarik yang boleh di ambil sebab banyak awek-awek cun. tapi tak boleh la lebih, sebab video ni seluruh keluarga aku nak tengok, tak sempat nak edit diorang mesti nak tengok dah. so terhad sket nak focus awek2 cun. ahaks!!! selepas habis my cousin terima his diploma, aku terus ke dewan besar, sebab nak tunggu Sulltan Terengganu keluar, mesti orang kampung (tok, pakcik makcik yang tak dapat datang) nak tengok. and dalam masa aku duduk menunggu that moment, ada sorang awek ni duduk perati (tengok) aku, bukan aku perasan, sebab bila aku pergi jalan-jalan ke sana sini untuk menjalankan tugas sebagai jurukamera. awek ni always looking at me, terasa nak tegur tapi dia duduk dengan mak bapak dia (duduk pulak dekat2 tempat orang kenamaan duduk). kalu silap-silap tegur, maunyer kena sekeh dengan polis-polis dekat situ. bila awek tu tengok aku, aku senyum jer la ... hahahaha! habis program tu, and my cousins dah keluar, we snap few photos.

after that, pergi la ke expo konvo, makan2 dan jalan2. selesai tu, balik ke kuala terengganu. lunch and have a rest before keluar petang tu ke the famous pasar payang for shopping. kerja aku dekat situ tidak lain tidak bukan, rakam video. bila kita pegang kamera, pakcik makcik yang jual keropok lekor asyik tanya aku ni orang tv3 ker? ahaks! setengah jam dekat pasar payang sebab kita orang sampai lewat, pasar payang tutup pukul 6.00 macam tu. selepas tu terus ke the famous masjid terapung yang dihasilkan oleh the famous arkitek, raja baharin. tapi, sadly, the mosque tak di maintain keindahannya. cat pun dah lusuh, lanskap pun tak terurus seperti aku first time datang situ. malam tu takder buat apa2, maybe semua orang dah letih dah. so diorang decide nak tengok video yang aku rakam sambil have dinner. all share their experinces while watching the video. laughter is all over that big room. yup, we all have a good times that day. every gone to sleep before 12.00. maybe sebab dah letih sangat kot. ZzzzZZZzzzZZZ.


selepas solat subuh, aku pergi pantai sekali lagi. it was so good to see sun rise. takes some nice shot of people walking by the beach, the fisherman's boats. at 9.00 am, they decided to go shopping at pasar payang once more before they go home. an hour at pasar payang before we go to stesen bas ekspress sebab bas aku pukul 10.30 am.


aiseh! aku kena duduk sebelah kawan sepupu aku. perempuan pulak tu! terpaksa la sembang jugak sebab if don't, kang dia report dekat sepupu aku yang aku ni sombong! hahahahaha. anyway we have a nice conversation. she seem to be pretty a nice girl, soft spoken and sopan santun. she membahasakan herself as kak ngah, yup, dia senior sepupu aku. orang johor, so tak boleh nak bohong-bohong sket pasal johor. she still studying at Uitm Segamat.

masa singgah makan, aku makan roti jer sebab lauk dah nak habis, so aku naik bas awal. bila kak ngah naik bas, dia boleh tanya aku "dah makan belum", aku jawab " dah makan dah". isyyhhh! pelik jugak, jarang nak jumpa orang yang kenal sehari terus tegur macam ni. gila baik! lepas tu, dia turun semula sebab nak pergi tandas. selepas kak ngah naik bas, ada sorang pakcik ni tegur aku, eh! sembang2, dia orang ingat kami ni couple. apa da pakcik ni. rupanya2 nya pakcik ni dari Jitra, orang kampung aku ni. dia pun pergi konvo KUSZA, lepas tu nak pergi hantar anak dia dekat UTM. second intake punya student. tengok keadaan pakcik ni, macam perlu pertolongan sebab anak dia baru dapat tawaran 2 hari sebelum diorang pergi konvo KUSZA. maybe tak sempat nak rancang la diorang punya travel. sembang2 la sket pasal UTM. hotel pun tak tempah lagi, so aku bagi la nombor rumah tamu UTM dengan nombor Melawis. aku suruh dia telefon awal tapi dia cakap dia nak bincang dulu dengan anak dengan isteri dia. bukan apa, bila dah sampai skudai dah malam dah, susah nak cari hotel. dia cakap dia nak terus ke larkin, nak tidur sana. aku tak boleh paksa, aku mampu beri pendapat jer la.

penat sungguh perjalanan waktu siang ni, rasa lebih lama dari travel masa malam. nak tidur pun tak boleh sebab tak mengantuk. orang sebelah, tidur. sampai jer segamat, kak ngah pun turun la, tiba2 dia bagi aku air kotak pulak. aiseh! dapat air kotak free lagi. huahuahua, aku oun ambik jer la, orang dah bagi. terima kasih la kak ngah, seronok betul aku naik bas hari ini. hah! lagi 3 jam nak sampai skudai! sampai jer skudai, aku pun turun. pakcik tu tak turun, aku anggap diaorang terus ker larkin la kot. i wish diorang dapat la cari hotel. hari ni 29/042004, anak dia daftar sebagai student UTM course, teknologi pembuatan (ada ker? aku pun tak pasti!)

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Terengganu, here i come!!!

malam ni aku nak ke terengganu, negeri penyu, ganu kito... huahuahua ...
harap2 trip ke terenggaunu ni dapat la idea dan menenangkan jiwa raga aku ...
tapi yang sebenar-benarnya aku ke terengganu sebab nak pergi konvo sepupu aku dekat KUSZA (Kolej Universiti Sulatan Zainal Abidin), kena pergi la kan, nanti bila time aku konvo diorang tak datang pulang *aku harapkan balasan, huhuhu*

takder aaa, memang aku teringin nak pergi sebab dah 5,6 tahun tak pergi terengganu ... maybe dah banyak perubahan ...

aku harap aku dapat enjoy myself dekat sana ...

nah buah tangan dari aku ....

FOG: headache

#from now onwards, if the title starts with FOG, it means that it is an update for my project i am currently working on ...

yesterday i would had to say a very headache day. i am trying out my best to figure out what is the possible way to solve my project. as i said before that volume rendering would give much disadvantages to my program if i wolud like to build in real time walkthrough ... and the headache give me some understanding on that particular problems ... thanks god the all mighty, i have understand how the process ... but yet i have to figure out how to program it and make it possible ...


some theory of what i would do, just to remind myself

the image below is what the ray casting is all about (correct me if i'm wrong). to make effect of fog, i have to get the blend color of the volume (fog volume) with the color of the objects... (how on earth i will do that! i'll figure out later i guess)
but the problems is if it posibble to calculate by pixels of the blends ....
so, i am thinking of to wakilkan a biggier cubes/quads for that particular pixels ... so it less calculation to be made ... am i right?

so that is for now ... stick on for more updates and if you got the knowledge, please share with me!

Friday, June 25, 2004

bila dah tension

alhamdullilah, syukran to god the all mighty, 2,3 hari berada di sini, aku dapat utilize masa yang ada dengan sebaik-baiknya walaupun susah menampakkan tekanan dan the big burden yang aku perlu tempuh ...

bila aku kaji-kaji balik benda yang aku kena buat ni, amat berat pulak rasanya ... betul lah kata penilai aku dulu ... benda2 yang melibatkan volume ni jangan dibuat main-main ... perlu ada kemahiran dalam programming dan juga matematik tahap hebat gila-gila ...

volume = isipadu; wauuu! macam mana aku tak boleh sedar dulu masa buat proposal ... bila cakap pasal volume rendering, kena pulak study pasal ray casting @ ray tracing ... waduh, waduh! ngak boleh pergi kalu cam gini dong! apa2 pun aku kena fikirkan penyelesaian yang effektif lagi berkesan ... semalam sempat juga sembang2 dengan penyelia. ada juga cadangan2 yang menarik! kalu boleh aku tak nak buat volume punya teknik ni ... tapi let give it a try ...

HAHAHAHAHAHA! bila dah tension, benda2 ni pun keluar la ...

enjoy it and i'll enjoy my life, wasalam

eh lupa nak kasi tau, sapa2 yang berminat nak present research paper, atau apa2 yang berkaitan dengan grafik, sila berbuat demikian untuk COGRAMM 2004 this coming disember ...
to participate, logged in -> http://gmm.fsksm.utm.my/~cogramm

Thursday, June 24, 2004

the project ... continues


this semester is the biggest challenge for me as i would have to produce some outcome after about 4 years studying here in UTM. i know that i have to do it whatever it take to finish it.

and after 2 days at UTM, i probably begin to starts the journey of this semester. ahaks, i have to read again the proposal of the project before i know what i have to do for my project (ini bukan sebab melayu mudah lupa). and today, i face some difficulties in my program, bugs bugging me. DAMN! i hate error! but after i check out my program again, again and again, and once more ... i find out that it's all my mistakes ... what a relief! huh! tokwan shahril ibrahim (seorang anak muda yang berjaya dalam bidang grafik di oversea) pernah berkata kepada shahril, "computers doesn't make mistakes, it is the people who program it". that is why! no body perfect!

and if anybody are into opengl programming or something related, i would like to know you. mana tau korang boleh tunjuk ajar dan kongsi what ever we have. and for your information i'm doing "fog modeling" and going to used volume techniques. i tend to have difficulties in defining volume myself. anyone interested, please e-mail me at an_urb@hotmail.com ...

see ya, wasalam!

looking for lower price web hosting

yup, i'm still looking for better prize hosting with great services ...
along that i turn out to find this competition, wallpapercompetition and the prize is worth for me ... i though that i must grab this big oppurtunity while it come, isn't it right?

if you want to join, here is the url-> http://www.wallpapercontest.com/index.php

and here is the warm up design

the design theme is urban abstract

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

2 hari dah


dah dua hari dah aku dekat skudai. banyak ler jugak perubahan dekat skudai khususnya taman universiti (pada pemerhatian aku lar ...)

anyway, seronok jugak bila dapat duduk kolej baru ni walaupun tersorok dekat belakang-belakang ... sunyi la sikit, tidur pun banyak, ahaks ...
yang tak best kolej ni sebab tempat parking yang huru hara, tak cukup tempat parking motor dengan kereta ... almaklumlah pelajar sekarang ni kan kaya2, semua ada motor, kerete seorang sebijik ...

p/s: ni post semalam [23/06/2004], aku tak sempat nak post

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

account terminate

hi again;

i'm now in a lab at UTM, mumbling about ... mmm. as i said, my latest site at analogi.evolutionv.com had been terminate. so soon hah ... then, i'll missed my blogging friends ...

and i hope i could do well in my last semester in UTM. i'll do my best!!!

Thursday, June 17, 2004

test post image again

{ second try. hosting by angelfire. the first one is by geocities. }

test image

{ testing for image post. actually i need more freedom to create a better look for this blog. damn, creating a new layout could be easier if i could have my own hosting. }

wasting time

{ hi there, this is my first entry for the new blogspot account ... actually, i was told that my current website will vanish at the end of this month as the hosting will terminate all account including mine. so, as for conclusion ... i try to find new free hosting but i could not find a better one. at the same time i tought that i could buy a hosting but i not worth it now. so, blogger is my last choice of saving 'the analogy of my world' }